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“Your Personal Genealogy Library: Family History Books Online”

Don/Diane Snow

Categories: IR, RT

Talk Abstract:
The Snows will show information about family history books online, how to find them, what formats they are in, and how to use them. They will show various organizations that are scanning and posting FH books such as the Family History Library, Google, Internet Archive, and others. There are already thousands of FH books online and most are free to download.

Speaker Bio:
Donald R. and Diane M. Snow are both Californians with Utah roots; Don’s ancestors are the Snows from Southern Utah and Diane’s are the Manwarings from Northern Utah. They are both retired from BYU where Don taught Mathematics and Diane taught Humanities. Since retiring from BYU, they have been on four Family History missions for the LDS Church. One of these was as the Directors of the New York Family History Center in Manhattan and another was serving in the London Family History Center in the Hyde Park Chapel. They have been involved with family history for many years and Don has been a Vice President of the Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group since the 1990’s. They are frequent speakers at genealogy and family history conferences and the details of their talks and schedules are at https://uvtagg.org/classes/dons/dons-classes.html . They have 6 children, 30 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren and are snowbirds spending half the year in Provo and half in St. George.

Meeting Agenda
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NOTICE: This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.