We appreciate the following who teach classes on a variety of subjects at our monthly meetings:
Pat Andrus –TOPICS: FamilySearch Internet, Pedigree Resource File
John Blake – TOPIC: FamilySearch Internet
Jerry Castillo – TOPICS: Basic Computers, Internet, Browers and Windows Operating Systems
Laurie Castillo – TOPICS: Beginning German and Dutch Research, Utah, Texas and New England Research, IGI, LDS Records, US Census, US and States Vital Records
Brigham Cheney – TOPICS: Medieval Genealogy
Duane Dudley – TOPICS: Using PAF 5, FamilyInsight, new FamilySearch
Barry Ewell – TOPIC: Learning the Tech to Trace Your Roots
Roger Flick – TOPICS: Using Technology, BYU Library
Kory Myerink – TOPIC: Evaluating Sources
Robert Raymond – TOPICS: HTML, Building Family History Websites
Gerhard Ruf – TOPICS: All aspects of using the Internet to further your family history work, genealogical shareware and freeware programs, all aspects of PAF.
Don Snow – TOPICS: PAF, FamilySearch, Internet
Lila Sowards – TOPICS: PAF, Consultant Training