“Zap the Grandma Gap: The Ten Best Ideas to Bridge the Generation Gap”
Janet Hovorka
Categories: I, O
Talk Abstract:
These are the 10 most important ideas to connect to your posterity by connecting them to their past. If they are bored, you are doing it wrong. Go from Snoring and Boring to Exciting and Inviting.
Speaker Bio:
Janet Hovorka received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Ancient History and a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science from BYU. She accepted teaching and library positions at BYU and Salt Lake Community College before having her three wonderful children. She and her husband, Kim Hovorka, own Family ChartMasters — https://familychartmasters.com/php/index.php — an online genealogy chart printing service that was the first company to be FamilySearch Certified by the LDS Church. She writes The Chart Chick blog — http://thechartchick.blogspot.com/ — winner of the 2009 Geneablog award and is currently serving as Past President of the Utah Genealogical Association. One of Janet’s greatest genealogy accomplishments was the completion and publication of her mother-in-law’s oral history just one year prior to her untimely death. She has presented 100s of lectures all over the country to help countless people find out more about their family’s history.
Meeting Agenda
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This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.