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“Using State Archives and Local Libraries Online”

Luana Darby

Categories: RT, IR

Talk Abstract:
With many state archives and local libraries posting one-of-a-kind information that many times has never been seen outside of that institution, the wealth of information now available to genealogists and family historians is astounding. Vital records, journals, obituaries, city directories, maps, photographs and more are accessible, if you know where to look. Learn how to search and where to find these elusive, but vital resources. These digital collections will enrich your genealogical experience and may offer that family breakthrough you are looking for!

Speaker Bio:
Luana Darby is a professional genealogist and lecturer. She graduated from BYU with a degree in Family History and received her master’s degree in Library and Information Science from San Jose State University. She is the owner of Lineages by Luana, a genealogical research company which focuses on US/Canada and Western European research and consultations and is co-owner of American Patriots and Pioneers Research Services, lineage application specialists. She has lectured at various regional and national genealogical conferences including NGS. FGS, RootsTech, UGA, BYU and ICAPGen. She has served as treasurer, vice president and president of the Utah Genealogical Association and is working on her accreditation in Midwest research. Her love for genealogy came from listening to her grandmother tell her stories of growing up on the Kansas prairies at the turn of the century. These stories created a desire to learn more about her ancestors and their stories. She has spent the last 35 years reconstructing these accounts and looks for every opportunity to connect with “cousins,” some of the most recent coming from genealogical DNA breakthroughs. It is her goal to instill this passion and desire in everyone that she meets. More information and contact information for her is on her Association of Professional Genealogists page at http://www.apgen.org/directory/search_detail.html?mbr_id=3068 .

Meeting Agenda
Click here for meeting agenda for the UVTAGG meeting where this talk or class was presented (will open in a new browser tab).

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NOTICE: This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.