“The Family Search Catalog: Key To The Collection”
Sharon Monson
Categories: LDS, IR
Talk Abstract:
The FamilySearch Catalog is the new version of the old Family History Library Catalog which has been retired. It now includes much more than it used to. Locating available books, microfilms, or microfiche for a certain place or subject depends on the depth of the catalog search criteria. Basic searches such as Place, Last Name, Title, Author, Subject and Keyword, will be demonstrated and Ms. Monson will show how you can now instantly view original records in a Historical Records search. Thousands of books are now online and many have updated indexes and all are every-word searchable. She will show how to filter your searches to save time and effort.
Speaker Bio:
Sharon D. Monson is the founder of “GenSearch and more”. She is an author and frequent conference presenter with extensive research experience spanning 30+ years in courthouses, the Family History Library, and repositories. Her family history presentations cover a wide range of research methods, useful tips, source document locations and unusual resources. She specializes in the Southern US region, where burned out counties and loss of records is the norm, and has learned to dig “deeper” and polish the skills necessary to find missing documentation. As a Residential Appraiser for most of her life, she has learned to pay attention to details. Examining what doesn’t look right, or what appears to be in the wrong place, will often yield that previously missed clue. She feels it is extremely important to use accurate information to support family data. As the founder of GenSearch and more, her vision is to teach younger people how to search for their families. So that no one gets left out, she also teaches those who aren’t tech savvy how to use new technology in their search for ancestors. More information about her is available at http://icapgen.wordpress.com/2012/10/11/sharon-d-monson/ .
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This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.