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“Family Search Mobile Apps”

Todd Powell

Categories: LDS, S

Talk Abstract:
This presentation will demonstrate current and future features of the FamilySearch Mobile suite of applications. More and more people are using smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices, so FamilySearch engineers are working on applications (apps) to work with it. But even if you don’t own a mobile device, you can learn how this ties in with the computers you are using. His presentation will also show us a road map of things they are working on and will share some unique mobile user stories. He will have a Q&A session during the class period following his main presentation.

Speaker Bio:
Todd Powell is the current senior product owner of mobile applications at FamilySearch.org. He has worked in the technology industry for 24 years. Last week at the large RootsTech 2015 conference in the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City he discussed some of this in his class RT1287. The notes for that class are still online at https://rootstech.org/bc/content/pdfs/Class-Syllabus/RootsTech/RT1287_FSMobileApp_Powell.pdf?lang=eng . Several months ago he wrote an article for the FamilySrearch Blog on two new mobile apps — see https://familysearch.org/blog/en/familysearch-introduces-moble-apps/ .

Meeting Agenda
Click here for meeting agenda for the UVTAGG meeting where this talk or class was presented (will open in a new browser tab).

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NOTICE: This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.