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“Helping Others Love Family History”

Mike Sandberg

Categories: LDS, I

Talk Abstract:
Mike will share a summary of his research about how effective (and not so effective) family history consultants help beginners. The presentation is offered as a “story board” that tells a narrative of the research discovered as the current state of consultants. It also shares a vision of what FamilySearch is targeting as a future state of family history consultants based on the best practices they have observed and some new developments that the organization is building for consultants in the future.

Speaker Bio:
As a Senior Product Manager at FamilySearch, Mike Sandberg’s focus there has been helping develop solutions for individuals who are just beginning their experience with family history. In his tenure at FamilySearch, he has met with family history beginners in the United States, Canada, Guatemala, Brazil, Peru, New Zealand, and Tonga. This past year he was part of a team that researched the role of family history consultants and how they help beginners get started with family history. As part of this research he personally worked with over 50 beginners helping them find and add names to FamilySearch Family Tree. Before going to FamilySearch, Mike worked for over 20 years in the software industry. He holds a Masters of Organizational Behavior degree from Brigham Young University.

Meeting Agenda
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NOTICE: This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.