“Seek and Ye Shall Find: Extraction of Pedigrees from Revenue Records of Punjab, India”
G. S. Gill
Categories: RL, RR
Talk Abstract:
This will be a discussion of the process of finding these records and extracting the names into pedigrees. This is more than just indexing the records since it requires additional information to put them into ancestral trees. This information will be of value to all Family History Centers where there is even a small population of people with ancestors from India.
Speaker Bio:
Gill (That’s the name he usually goes by.) came to America in 1954 at age 19, joined the LDS Church in California, and graduated from Brigham Young University (BYU) in 1958. That same year he married Vilo Pratt. He went on to Graduate School and got a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Utah in 1965. He then taught Mathematics at BYU until he retired in 1999 and is the author of math papers and some problem books on Calculus and Analytic Geometry. In 1993, he and Vilo were called to be the first Mission Presidents for the LDS Church in Bangalore, India, and they served there until 1996. Later, after retiring from BYU, Dr. Gill has been doing family history on the Moga District in Punjab, India where he was born. He has traced the genealogy of the Gill, Sidhu, Brar, Bhatti, and Toor Clans and published a booklet on this subject for his family and his descendants. He and his wife live in the Edgemont area of Provo where they raised their children.
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This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.