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“Q&A RootsTech 2017 and FamilySearch”

Robert Raymond

Categories: LDS, IR

Speaker Bio:
Robert Raymond is a deputy to FamilySearch Chief Genealogical Officer,
David Rencher. He works to increase genealogical soundness of
FamilySearch products and helps set record acquisition and publication
strategy. Robert (pseudonymically) writes a top ranked genealogy blog
and is a genealogical technologist with more than 30 years experience
in technology and genealogy. He holds over a dozen technology patents
and earned a Master’s Degree in Electrical (Computer) Engineering from
Brigham Young University where he was honored as a Kimball
Scholar. Robert has served as a director of the National Genealogical
Society since 2012. His Association of Professional Genealogists’s
webpage is
https://www.apgen.org/directory/search_detail.html?mbr_id=4060 and his
FamilySearch Wiki page is
https://familysearch.org/wiki/en/User:RaymondRS .

Meeting Agenda
Click here for meeting agenda for the UVTAGG meeting where this talk or class was presented (will open in a new browser tab).

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NOTICE: This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.