“50 Websites Every Genealogist Should Know”
Gena Philibert-Ortega
Categories: RR, RL
Talk Abstract:
You are familiar with Ancestry.com and FamilySearch, but there’s so
much more to researching genealogy than the well-known websites. Learn
more about other websites that can help you with your genealogy and
help you break down brick walls.
Speaker Bio:
Gena Philibert-Ortega is an author,
researcher, and instructor whose focus is genealogy and social and
women’s history. She holds a Master’s degree in Interdisciplinary
Studies and a Master’s degree in Religion. Her published works include
two books, numerous articles, two volumes of Tracing Female Ancestors,
and a QuickGuide from Legacy Family Tree. She is the editor of the
Utah Genealogical Association’s magazine, Crossroads. She has
presented to diverse groups including the National Genealogical
Society, Alberta Genealogical Society Conference, and the Legacy
Family Tree Webinar series. More information about her is available
at https://philibertfamily.blogspot.com/ .
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This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.