“Understanding Intended Identity: The Key to Fixing and Avoiding Problems in Family Tree”
Kathryn Grant
Categories: LDS, RT
Talk Abstract:
Who is that Family Tree person—really? What if there’s not a lot of information or what if information conflicts? Learn tips for determining the intended identity of a Family Tree person, and how that information can help you solve problems and improve accuracy.
Speaker Bio:
After years on the sidelines, Kathryn began doing family history. Somewhat to her surprise, she discovered that she loved it! Her specialty is helping new family historians find success—and maybe even avoid some of the mistakes she’s made. Kathryn teaches Sunday classes at the BYU Family History Library and presents at other family history events. Her column on family history ran in the Nauvoo Times for about a year and is still available online. In addition, she’s a regular contributor to the FamilySearch blog. Kathryn works as a technical writer and instructional designer with a focus on usability and process improvement. Her current work assignment includes developing training used on mobile devices. Besides family history, she loves uplifting music, thought-provoking books, and fresh raspberries.
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This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.