“Secrets Hiding in DAR.org: Using DAR research to strengthen and extend your pedigree”
Marilyn Thomsen
Categories: IR, RT
Talk Abstract:
DAR.org is a great genealogical resource! This webinar is about the massive body of data now accessible on The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) website. The DAR Genealogical Records Committees (GRC) have indexed court records, marriage, death records, collected Bible Records and newly indexed thousands of applications for membership. Join this presentation to add another research methodology to your sleuthing tool set.
Speaker Bio:
Marilyn Thomsen is an enthusiastic teacher and a confessed snoop, who loves helping uncover secrets hiding in family trees. She served an Internship at Georgia’s National Archive Regional Center to complete her BA from BYU (?05) with a Family History focus on US Southern research. Twice she won BYU?s Family History of the Year Award researching and writing about her Pioneer ancestors. She has served as a Church Family History Service Missionary in the Salt Lake Family History Library and in the FamilySearch’s Facebook Community. Her husband Richard and Marilyn travels and research has covered the USA South, Isle of Man, Ireland, Denmark and England. Since 2019, Marilyn has been the editor of UVTAGG’s newsletter, TAGGology. She loves painting watercolor portraits of her grandchildren.
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This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.