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“State Military Record Resources”

Marilyn Thomsen
9 Nov 2024

Talk Abstract:
State Archives may have your ancestor’s military records. Local archives have databases and records not found in Federal databases. This intermediate level class discusses the importance of being familiar with local county histories and records when researching your ancestor’s military background.

Speaker Bio:
Marilyn Thomsen has been the editor of TAGGology, the Utah Valley and Technology Group’s newsletter for 10 years. She graduated with a BA from BYU (’05) with a Family History focus in US Southern research. She was a volunteer on the US & Canada floor at the Family Search Library in SLC and worked on other projects. She was Director at three FamilySearch Centers in Utah. After completing National DAR training, she enjoyed lineage research for new applicants. During her BYU Internship at the National Archive Regional Center in Georgia, she rambled through courthouses and cemeteries of her Southern roots. With her husband, Richard, she visited the homes, parishes and archives of her ancestors in Denmark, Isle of Man and England. Marilyn loves to put flesh on the bones of her ancestors and won BYU’s Family History of the Year Award for histories focusing on her Utah Pioneer ancestors. Her enthusiasm when teaching comes because she really loves helping others find their roots. Her husband, Richard, shares a passion for digging up dead relatives and connecting them to living relatives.

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NOTICE: This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.