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“Getting Out of the Rut of Your Genealogical Research “

James Tanner
11 Jan 2025

Talk Abstract:
Doing the same searches and genealogical work over and over again is like driving a car in a deep rut in the road. It seems like you can’t break out of the habit. This class takes you through the process of moving on to a more productive genealogy life with ways to expand your knowledge and focus. Take some time think through how you are approaching your genealogical challenges

Speaker Bio:
James has over 40 years of experience in genealogical research and is an avid blogger of the Genealogy’s Star blog. He has served as a family history volunteer for over 18 years and has presented at expos and conferences around the US, Canada, and Europe. He is a member of the board of directors of the Family History Guide Association and is currently serving at the BYU Family History Library. James is an attorney, a professional photographer, and has 7 children, 34 grandchildren and 2 greatgrandchildren.

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NOTICE: This presentation is part of a set of over 400 presentations on genealogy and family history produced by "UVTAGG: The Utah Valley Technology and Genealogy Group".
For full details and to join, see the website https://uvtagg.org.